Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 College Catalog 
2022-2023 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Identification Cards

Identification cards are issued to all on campus students (new and returning) and all current college employees. Information on requirements for presentation and use of the card as well as the replacement of lost or stolen cards is listed in the Student Handbook which is available online on the College’s website, or from the Human Resource Office or from the office of the VP of Student Care & Success or designee. The ID Cards are the property of WVNCC. Students are required to obtain a new validation sticker each semester (fall, spring and summer). The stickers are available from the Campus Service Center to registered students after the final last day to pay. ID cards allow a student access to College buildings and are needed for entry by all doors other than the main building door of each campus during published hours.


Registration Integration transmits a student’s course registration from Northern’s registration system directly to the bookstore. This enables students to order textbooks at the same time they register for their courses. When students click on the “Textbook” link, their course information is transmitted to the bookstore’s website and students immediately see a list of the books they need for their courses, including price, and ISBNs.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities offers a wide variety of events and programs for students to experience social, academic, cultural and civic engagement on and off campus. Participation in co-curricular activities, organizations, and clubs is considered an integral aspect of a well-rounded education. As such, we offer opportunities for students to gain hands-on leadership experience through positions such as the Student Government Association and Campus Activities Board, opportunities to became active in our vibrant communities through the Northern Serves Community Service Club, and the ability to join (or create) a student club or organization. These are in addition to our many educational, cultural, and social student events that take place throughout the year.

Examples of events and programming offered through the Office of Student Activities:

  • Intramural and Recreational Sports West Virginia Northern promotes physical fitness by giving students an opportunity to participate in intramural competition. On the basis of student interest in sports, the College endorses the formation of intramural sports teams. The goals of the intramural program are recreation, social interaction, physical fitness and the development of team leadership and group cooperation. Currently, WVNCC offers participation in flag football, volleyball, 3 on 3 basketball, and women’s slow pitch softball. Specifics about joining a team can be obtained from the Office of Student Activities.
  • Chicken Fest and Welcome Week Events – We kick off each semester with a series of events to welcome students to our campus, including Chicken Fest, which is a celebration of unity and our mascot, The Thundering Chicken!
  • Educational Programming – We feature presentations for Women’s History and Black History Month, as well as offering additional programs for students to engage in the learning process.
  • Family Programming – Each year, we offer a variety of family programs ranging from a Children’s Winter Carnival and Secret Santa Program, to family movie nights.
  • Student Governance - To stimulate personal leadership skills and student involvement with the operation of the College, the student governance structure consists of a college wide Student Government Association (SGA) composed of student senators from all three campuses. These students are elected by students each spring. The Tri-Campus Student Government Association is concerned with institutional policies and procedures as well as campus matters. All students are encouraged to participate.
  • Campus Activity Board (CAB) – CAB members are responsible for promoting, executing and assisting in the planning of student activities, sporting events, and community service on their campus.
  • Northern Serves is an organization run by the Office of Student Activities in conjunction with the Student Government Association. Northern Serves allows student to engage in service and learning with local non-profit organizations.
  • Phi Theta Kappa is an international academic honorary society for community college students. Established as the Omega Epsilon Chapter in 1973, this fraternity recognizes students who have maintained academic excellence, are of good moral character, and are outstanding citizens. Membership in this honor society is by invitation only. Candidates must have a 3.5 quality point average. The chapter sponsors various activities devoted to a leadership theme.
  • WVNCC Student Nurses Association is an organization that aids students in the Nursing Program to develop professionally by sponsoring activities and programs that enhance classroom experiences. 

Additional student clubs are the Criminal Justice Club, E-Sports Club, Computer Club, Petroleum Technology Club, Radiology Club, Junior ACF, Bible Club, Astronomy Club, and the Campus Activities Board. Students interested in other areas can form clubs or organizations by presenting their interests to the Office of Student Activities or the campus advisor. All organizations must be advised by a member of full-time faculty or professional staff of West Virginia Northern and have individual constitutions. Specifics on forming a student organization are listed in the Student Handbook or can be obtained from the Office of Student Activities.

Career Counseling/Career Services 

Offered through the ACTion Center

Career Services offers students assistance in making career decisions, exploring career options and conducting effective job searches. Services include, but are not limited to:

Career Advising

  • Individual career advising including free career assessments that assist in the identification of work interests, abilities and values.

Career Resources and Occupational Information

  • Online access to career resources including guides to writing resumes, cover letters, and interviewing techniques.
  • Occupational information including work tasks, potential job growth and salary information.
  • Career Corners are located in the Learning Resource Center on each campus.

College Central

  • The College provides students with a free online career management system, College Central. Students must self-register on College Central (All First Year Seminar students are preregistered but must complete the process in order to access their accounts). Registered students have access to the College’s online job board as well as a career resource library, podcasts and videos.
  • Students can register for College Central by visiting www.collegecentral.com/wvncc/.

Job Postings

  • Career Services maintains job listings for the College. These listings can be found online through the College Central website.


  • Workshops are offered on each campus on topics such as resume writing, interviewing skills, conducting a job search, etc. at the request of faculty and students.
  • Career fairs and on campus recruiting events for local employers.

All services and programs mentioned above are free to students. Students are required to register on College Central to receive job referrals.

Alumni Association

The Alumni Association is a permanent link between graduates and the College. The Association’s mission is to provide services to West Virginia Northern alumni, students and the communities serviced by the College. The organization fulfills these goals by participating in community service projects, making donations to the College in various ways and working with the Student Senate and administrative offices.

Currently one of the main focuses of the Alumni Association is to act as historians for the College. This work involves compiling, maintaining and exhibiting a collection of B&O Railroad memorabilia, Hazel-Atlas Glass and glass manufactured in the New Martinsville area. The Alumni Association also coordinates programs dedicated to diversity and social justice on all three campuses.

The Association also gives special awards of recognition yearly to current students for outstanding achievements and to former graduates who have gone on to distinguish themselves in their career field.

Lifetime membership is available to those who have earned 24 or more credits at West Virginia Northern. Members can actively participate in Alumni work through four standing committees - Membership, Museum, Service (to the community at large and the College), and Ways and Means.

For more information about the Alumni Association, visit www.wvncc.edu/alumni.

Health Insurance

The College neither provides nor sponsors student health or other insurance. The cost of medical treatment or support in the event of illness or injury is the responsibility of individual students. All students are encouraged to acquire health and accident insurance if they are not already covered by parental or personal insurance plans.

Sometimes the College will provide brochures of discounted plans made available to our students but not endorsed by the College. Check your Campus Service Center for details.


The College maintains parking lots on all three campuses. Students wishing to park on campus must obtain appropriate vehicle registration tags once each academic year. All students who enroll are entitled to a vehicle tag permit. There is no fee for replacing a lost vehicle tag. Vehicles parked in restricted areas may be ticketed or towed at the owner’s expense. Violation of the College’s parking regulations will result in towing, a ticket and/or other penalties.

A valid handicapped sticker provided by the State Department of Motor Vehicles must be displayed on a vehicle parked in a space reserved for the handicapped.

The College assumes no liability for theft or damage to personal property or vehicles while parked in College parking lots or any other area. Cars should be locked and items secured at all times. Students should report theft or damage to the Campus Service Center as soon as possible.

For additional information regarding College vehicle regulations, see the Student Handbook.

Housing Assistance

West Virginia Northern Community College has no housing facilities. All housing arrangements are made directly between students and the owner or manager of the facility, and students are subject to the rules and regulations of that facility.

The College accepts no responsibility for off-campus housing.

Student Handbook

The student handbook can be found on the college’s website under by clicking here. A copy can be obtained from the Campus Service Centers.