Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition/Financial Aid/Veterans Benefits

Tuition and Fees

Students registering for classes at West Virginia Northern Community College requires tuition be paid prior to the beginning of each semester and term. Any unpaid balances will be pursued for payment to the fullest extent in accordance with state and federal law and according to College procedures. Students registering on or after their corresponding last day to pay based on their early registration date, including those students adding classes, must make payment arrangements at the time of registration. Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or through a College-approved payment plan. Students may make payments online through their student portal accounts.

Students who have a bona fide third party agency paying their tuition will not be required to pay tuition at the time of registration provided there is written authorization in the College’s Business Office that payment will be made to West Virginia Northern.

The College may administratively drop students from classes and/or withhold designated services, including evaluation of courses to be transferred from other colleges and/or universities, registration for additional courses, grade reports, evaluation of credit toward degree programs, official transcripts of credits earned at West Virginia Northern and awarding of the diploma indicating degree or certificate attainment, for students who have outstanding tuition, fees, or any financial obligations to the College or who have defaulted on any educational loans.

Residents of Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson, Monroe, Columbiana, Mahoning & Trumbull counties in Ohio may attend at a tuition rate reciprocal to the West Virginia “In-State” rate. Residents of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene and Washington counties in Pennsylvania and residents Washington county in Ohio pay a Metro rate.

SREC courses can be taken at the in-state rate. Early entrance students taking college classes in the summer following their senior year will pay the early entrance rate. Contact your Campus Service Center for additional information.

Students taking college coursework while in high school are eligible for an early entrance tuition rate. West Virginia senior citizens (age 65 or older) pay half of the tuition per credit hour, for classes on a space available basis. Payment of full tuition costs assures a spot in class.

Other Fees

Students applying to limited enrollment programs will be charged a nonrefundable Application Fee. (See Health Sciences Selection and Admission Provision , Admissions/ Registration section).

Special fees include, but are not limited to an informational technology fee (per credit hour), facility fee (per semester), administrative fee (per semester), student activity fee (per semester), and a capital fee (per semester). Students will be assessed program specific fees depending on their course of study. Federal and State Perkins guidelines require an external assessment of qualified programs. Therefore, some programs contain coursework that lead to certification examinations. Fees associated with these exams are incorporated in the program fee assessed to students. Questions regarding exams or program specific fees should be submitted to the director of the academic program in which the fees are required.

Current fees can be found on the College’s Web page at https://www.wvncc.edu/future-students/tuition-and-fees-information/539. Students can estimate the cost of their education by accessing the Net Price Calculator found on the College’s website on the home page under Quick Links or wvncc.studentaidcalculator.com/survey.aspx.

Payment Plan

West Virginia Northern Community College offers an interest-free, monthly payment option to assist students in paying tuition and fees. A setup fee of $20 is charged and allows students to spread payments over four months . For additional information, contact Student Services.

Tuition Refunds

Only in cases where the College cancels class or a student withdraws prior to the first day of the semester, or prior to the first day of class for classes beginning later in the semester, will full tuition be refunded. Refunds are automatically computed only for students who withdraw from all courses during the refund period.

Students who officially withdraw from a portion of their courses anytime during the first week of the refund period must request, in writing, a refund from the Chief Financial Officer/Vice President of Administrative Services. For students who totally withdraw from all classes (excluding administrative or institutional withdrawals), a percentage, based on total tuition charges, will be refunded following the schedule below. If a student has been making payments according to a payment plan, the refund percentage is based on the full amount of tuition originally owed at the beginning of the semester.

Classes canceled by the College 100% refund  
Prior to the first day of the semester 100% refund Prior to Aug. 28, 2023
During the first week or 13% of the term 90% refund Aug. 29 to Sept. 11, 2023
Students completing 14% - 25% of the term 75% refund Sept. 12 to Sept. 25, 2023
Students completing 26% - 38% of the term 50% refund Sept. 26 to Oct. 9, 2023
Students completing 39% or more of the term No refund After Oct. 9, 2023

In doing the calculation, should the percentage calculation identify a partial day, the entire day will be included in the higher refund period.

Fees are refundable only if classes are dropped during the 100 percent refund period. Student refunds will be sent to BankMobile and disbursed based on the student’s refund preference. This applied to all refunds except early entrance, continuing education, and community education students. If payment was made with a credit card the credit card account will be credited, within 30 days after the official drop date. When classes are canceled, refunds will be issued as soon as possible. Students on payment plans who still owe a balance after withdrawal may have their payment plans adjusted to reflect their new account balance.

Students participating in federal financial aid programs will have their aid adjusted according to the Federal Return to Title IV policy, see Federal Return to Title IV Aid (R2T4) in this section.

BankMobile Refunds

In order to receive a refund, you must activate your BankMobile account and select your refund preference. You may select to direct deposit to your personal banking account or open a BankMobile Account. You must make this selection via Bankmobile – WVNCC cannot make this decision for you. No decision on the student’s part results in a paper check issued by BankMobile.


To learn more about BankMobile, please visit www.RefundSelection.com or call 304-214-8811.

Tax Benefits for Education

Questions concerning individual tax credits should be directed to www.irs.gov. 1098-T documents are sent by the College according to federal guidelines and documents are accessed through the Heartland ECSI website at heartland.ecsi.net/. Students should contact the Business Office at 304-214-8811 with questions.

Financial Aid

West Virginia Northern Community College offers several types of financial assistance to aid students in meeting educational expenses. More than 90 percent of the financial aid awards are granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need; however, the College also offers awards on the basis of academic and extracurricular performance. After applying for admission, students may apply for financial assistance.

At West Virginia Northern, financial need is defined as “the difference between the cost of attendance and the amount that the student can afford to pay for the education” i.e., Expected Family Contribution (EFC). To determine financial need, the College uses information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Students who qualify may be awarded more than one type of aid. Awards may be combinations of gift (scholarships and grants) and self-help (loans and work) aid. Students must reapply for aid each academic year.

Applications for need-based aid other than Federal Pell Grants should be submitted by March 1 for the Fall Semester (August through December) and by October 1 for the Spring Semester (January through May). Requests submitted after these dates will be accepted and processed until all available funds are utilized. Funds will be available on or after the published refund day. Scholarships require a separate application.

It is important that students keep the Financial Aid Office informed of any changes in their plans to attend college. For example, if they have already registered for classes and decide not to attend, they should notify the Financial Aid Office in writing prior to the start of the semester. The Financial Aid Office cannot withdraw students from classes. In order to withdraw from classes, students must use their NOW account online, or contact a campus counselor directly and should confirm the withdraw has been processed.

In general, in order to receive aid students must be working toward a certificate or associate degree, not be in default on a loan or owe a repayment to any aid program at any post-secondary institution, and must maintain financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress. 

Inquiries concerning financial aid or requests for applications should be addressed to: Financial Aid Office, West Virginia Northern Community College, 1704 Market St., Wheeling, WV 26003-3643, or financialaidoffice@wvncc.edu. Financial Aid applications and forms are available on our website on the Financial Aid Office page.

Consumer Information

In keeping with the provisions of part 178 of the Education Amendments of 1976 and 1980, the following information on costs is presented. This information is subject to change by the U.S. Department of Education at anytime. Periodic changes will be published and/or in specific financial aid information sent directly to students on aid.

For financial aid purposes, an independent student is defined as a student who meets one of the following criteria: born before January 1 (per FAFSA guidelines for the applicable financial aid year), has legal dependents other than a spouse, is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, married, an orphan or a ward of the court, is currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training, or who may be classified by a financial aid administrator as independent because of other unusual circumstances.

Sample campus-based budgets follow. Students may have unique circumstances that would result in deviation from this budget to determine expenses.

2023-2024 Campus-Based Budgets for In-State Residents

  In-State Independents In-State Dependents
Tuition and Fees 4,154 4,154
Program Fee 317 317
IT Fee 360 360
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment 1,658 1,658
Transportation 1,517 1,517
Personal and Misc. 2,254 1,262
Living Expenses 8,744 4,372
Total Budget $ 19,004 $13,640


2023-2024 Campus-Based Budgets for Metro Rate Residents

  Metro Rate Independents Metro Rate Dependents
Tuition and Fees 8,762 8,762
Program Fees 317 317
IT Fee 360 360
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment 1,658 1,658
Transportation 1,517 1,517
Personal and Misc. 2,254 1,262
Living Expenses 8,744 4,372
Total Budget 23,612 18,248


2023-2024 Campus-Based Budgets for Out-of-State Residents

  Out-of-State Rate Independents Out-of-State Rate Dependents
Tuition and Fees 12,338 12,338
Program Fees 317 317
IT Fee 360 360
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment 1,658 1,658
Transportation 1,517 1,517
Personal and Misc. 2,254 1,262
Living Expenses 8,744 4,372
Total Budget 27,188 21,824

For current tuition and fees, see the College’s Web page at https://www.wvncc.edu/future-students/tuition-and-fees-information/539. Budgets are subject to change. These are estimated amounts that individuals in or out of school will incur depending upon living arrangements and responsibilities. An average program fee will be added to each student budget. Students (for example, in culinary arts, nursing, and welding programs) may have budgets adjusted that reflect their higher fees.

All students seeking specific consumer information about financial aid programs or financial aid access for persons with disabilities or Spanish speaking persons should contact the Financial Aid office.

Types of Financial Aid Available

Federal Grants and State Scholarships

  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • West Virginia Higher Education Grant
  • West Virginia Invests Grant
  • Higher Education Adult Part-Time Student Grant (HEAPS)
  • Pennsylvania State Grant
  • The West Virginia PROMISE Scholarship
  • The West Virginia Engineering, Science and Technology Scholarship
  • West Virginia Nursing Scholarship Program


  • Federal Work-study Program.


  • Federal Direct Loan (subsidized and unsubsidized).
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan.

Always review the Financial Aid Office webpage at www.wvncc.edu/offices-and-services/financial-aid/642 for updates to available financial aid funds.

Additional Loan Information

All students must complete entrance counseling and a master promissory note at https://studentaid.gov before receiving loan funds and complete exit counseling upon withdrawing, graduating, or dropping below half-time status.

Students who have several federal education loans may apply to have the loans consolidated into one loan, with one payment for an extended repayment period. More information is available with the loan servicer.

Students using a private loan can get the Private Education Loan Applicant Self - Certification form from the loan servicer and/or Financial Aid forms page online at www.wvncc.edu/offices-and-services/financial-aid-forms/647.


Aid Tied to Grade Level

WVNCC financial aid students will use the following grade level progression for federal Direct Loan calculations: Students will be considered “grade level one students” until they have completed 30 credit hours; students who have completed 31 hours or more are considered “grade level two students.”  Only A.A.S., A.S., and A.A. degree seekers qualify for level two funding.

Non-Payment for Test Outs

Because Federal Title IV aid will only pay for time spent in class, it will not pay for test outs or challenge exams. Students are expected to pay these costs.

Federal Return to Title IV Aid (R2T4)

Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. Students who receive federal funds as part of their aid package and who either officially or unofficially withdraw from all classes during a semester, may be required to return all or a portion of those funds.

The law specifies how the College must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law offered at WVNCC are: Federal Pell Grants, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, Direct Loans, Direct PLUS Loans, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOGs). In addition, WV Higher Education Policy Commission, requires use of the same policy for the WV Higher Education Grant and the WV Invests Grant.

Though your aid is posted to your account at the start of the term, you earn funds as you complete the semester. If you withdraw during the semester (see withdraw definitions below), the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. If you received less assistance than the amount that you earned, you may be eligible to receive those additional funds. If you received more assistance than you earned, the excess funds must be returned by the school and/or you.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if you completed 30% of the semester, you earn 30% of the assistance you were originally scheduled to receive. Once you have completed more than 60% of the semester, you earn all the assistance that you were scheduled to receive for the semester. If you receive excess Title IV program funds that must be returned, the College will return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:

  • Your institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of your funds, or
  • The entire amount of excess funds.

The College must return this amount even if we did not keep this amount of your Title IV program funds. If the College is not required to return all of the excess funds, then you must return the remaining amount.

Any loan funds that you must return, you (or your parent for a Direct PLUS Loan) repay in accordance with the terms of the loan master promissory note (MPN). That is, you make scheduled payments to the loan servicer over a period of time. For more information on student loan information, go to: https://studentaid.gov/h/manage-loans.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that you must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to receive. You do not have to repay a grant overpayment if the original amount of the overpayment is $50 or less. You must make arrangements with the school or the Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds.

The College must return Title IV funds to the federal aid programs from which you received aid during the payment period as applicable, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loans.
  • Subsidized Direct Loans.
  • Direct PLUS Loans.
  • Federal Pell Grants for which a Return is required.
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG).
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.

The requirements for the Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any refund policy that we offer. Therefore, you may still owe funds to the school to cover unpaid institutional charges. WVNCC will also charge you for any Title IV program funds that we were required to return. You can find our tuition refund policy earlier in this section under Tuition Refunds. The Financial Aid Office will advise you by mail of the amount of Title IV aid adjusted. If you owe a balance to the college, the Business Office will notify you of your balance due and repayment options. Failure to satisfy the amount owed in a timely manner will result in a financial hold being placed on your WVNCC records, and your obligation due turned over to our Collections Agency.

Please realize that you are not eligible to receive any financial aid if you:

  • withdraw prior to the first day of the semester, or prior to the first day of class for classes beginning later in the semester, or
  • have no record of class attendance or participation at all for a semester, or
  • are approved for a 100% reversal of your tuition and fee charges after the beginning of a semester.

In these instances, all grant, loan, and scholarship assistance that was credited to your WVNCC Student account for the semester will be adjusted and returned to the U.S. Department of Education, and the resulting balance due WVNCC must be repaid.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

If you do not receive all of the funds that you earned, you may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If your post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, we must receive your permission before it can be disbursed. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur additional debt. We will automatically use all or a portion of your post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and books and supply charges.

There may be some Title IV funds that you were scheduled to receive that cannot be disbursed to you once you withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. For example, if you are a first-time, first year undergraduate student and you have not completed the first 30 days of your program before you withdraw, you will not receive any Direct Loan funds that you would have received had you remained enrolled past the 30th day.

Withdrawing or Ceasing to Attend Class

If you withdraw from school “officially” (drop your courses online through your NOW account or contact student services) or “unofficially” (stop attending and do not successfully complete ANY course with an A, B, C, or D) before the term is completed, and you receive federal student aid, a Return of Funds Calculation (R2T4) is required to be performed. This calculation may result in a portion of aid being returned to the U.S. Department of Education. You may then owe a balance to the College. Any balance still outstanding 45 days or greater will be turned over to our Collections Agency unless a payment plan has been established with WVNCC’s Business Office.

Official Withdraws

To officially withdraw, you must use your NOW account online (contact your Campus Service Center for assistance). Telephone withdrawals can be taken by the Campus Counselor, Associate Registrar or Registrar only.

Unofficial Withdraws

If you do not successfully complete any course with an A, B, C, or D, you will be considered unofficially withdrawn and your Title IV aid may be recalculated based on your last day of attendance in those courses. If a last date of attendance cannot be determined, the R2T4 calculation will be taken back to the 50% point in the term if proof is not available that the student attended an academically related activity after the 60% point in at least one course. The final burden of proof of attendance is required of the student.

Flex Classes

Effective July 1, 2021, federal regulations governing the R2T4 federal aid policy have changed with regard to students who enrolled only in “flex” or “modular” classes (e.g. – classes meeting less than 16-weeks in length) during a semester. Based on these regulations, when a student is enrolled in flex classes, an R2T4 calculation must be performed whenever a student withdraws (officially or unofficially) from all classes which are meeting at that time, regardless of whether or not the student has already passed/completed a flex class earlier in the semester, or if they are enrolled in a flex class which has not yet begun within the semester; unless a student completed a combination of flex classes that equal 49% or more countable days in the payment period. In addition, a student is not considered withdrawn if they successfully complete half-time enrollment for the payment period.  Such a calculation can be avoided if the student enrolls in a class which has not yet begun within the semester and the student provides written notification to the Financial Aid Office of their intention to remain enrolled in that class and to attend that class.


Balances Due

PLEASE NOTE: when Title IV funds are returned, the student borrower may owe a balance to the institution. Funds owed back to the U.S. Department of Education may be turned over to U.S. Department of Education collections at the 45 day point if not paid in full. Funds owed the institution will be sent through the College’s collection process if repayment is not made according to the Business Office policy. WVNCC requires students to make financial arrangements for any outstanding balance prior to registering for the next term or obtaining any services (such as official transcripts, etc.). The Return of Funds policy requires, by federal law that students must satisfy the amount owed the federal programs before they may re-enroll in any college.

Student Loan Defaults

Students with defaulted loans are no longer eligible for any federal student aid under the student financial aid (SFA) programs. Even if a defaulted borrower’s debt has been written off as uncollectable and closed out by reporting the principal amount to the Internal Revenue Service as taxable, the borrower is still considered to be in default and is ineligible for federal student aid. If a compromise agreement has been reached in which the borrower makes an agreement with the holder of the loan to settle the debt, the borrower may be eligible for additional federal student aid. If borrowers choose to reaffirm their loan obligations and make satisfactory arrangements to repay the debt, they may regain eligibility for SFA programs.

Generally, if a borrower is in default on an SFA loan held by the Department of Education or by a guarantee agency and applies for federal student aid, the Student Aid Report (SAR) received after filing the FAFSA will indicate that the borrower is in default and thus not eligible for aid under the SFA programs. If the borrower has made satisfactory arrangements to repay the loan, the SAR will indicate that the borrower is eligible but will include a warning that if scheduled payments are not made on the loan, future federal student aid will be denied.

Once students allow a loan to go into default, their opportunity to obtain a deferment may be lost, and they will not be able to receive any federal financial aid until the obligation is discharged or satisfactory arrangements to repay the loan have been made with the loan servicer. A loan servicer, however, may grant forbearance to a borrower whose loan is delinquent or in default. If a loan obligation has been discharged in bankruptcy after the borrower has defaulted, it is no longer considered to be in default; and the borrower is eligible for further federal financial student aid.

More information on student loan repayment can be found online under Student Loan Repayment options on the Financial Aid page on www.wvncc.edu/offices-and-services/student-loan-repayment-options/4283 or at www.studentaid.gov.

Scholarships and Academic Awards

West Virginia Northern and the West Virginia Northern Community College Foundation recognize academic excellence and potential for academic excellence through the awarding of various scholarships and academic awards. Students who have shown outstanding academic performance in the past or have promise of future academic achievement at Northern may apply for academic assistance by using the following application process.

Scholarship and Academic Award Application Process

To apply for any scholarship or academic award, students must submit:

  1. High school transcript, high school equivalency scores from a state agency approved test program scores or diploma. If the applicant is a current Northern student and has already submitted transcripts from high school or high school equivalency scores from a state agency approved test program scores, the Financial Aid Office will gather this information from West Virginia Northern’s Records Office.
  2. Academic transcript(s) from all postsecondary institutions attended.
  3. Typewritten letter stating educational goals and how they will benefit society.
  4. One letter of reference. It is recommended that it is from either a West Virginia Northern or high school faculty/staff member.
  5. A typewritten statement of involvement in community service/organizations or awards/recognitions received by applicant.
  6. Completed West Virginia Northern Scholarship Application.

WVNCC Foundation Scholarships and Awards:

ANONYMOUS SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to residents of Ohio County in Applied Technology majors with financial need.  Preference is given to “non traditional” or first-generation students.

MARY K. AHRENS SCHOLARSHIP - Up to full tuition. Requires: High school students enrolled in the EDGE program. Minimum of one per Campus awarded.

BAYER HERITAGE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION SCHOLARSHIP - Preference to a full-time incoming college student with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and in need of financial aid. Secondary preference to a part-time incoming college student with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and in need of financial aid.

COLLEGIATE ALUMNAE OF WHEELING SCHOLARSHIP - Full-time, second year female WVNCC student, West Virginia resident with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 and in need of financial assistance.

DAN WILSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to a full-time student on the Weirton Campus. Student must be a Business or Accounting major with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to second-year students.

DR. MARY MAROCKIE TEACHING SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to an Early Childhood Education or Education major. Must be a full-time student with a 3.0 or higher overall GPA.

EQT FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to students in the CDL program or Summer Welding Institute.

ERIKA M. BENNETT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP - Full-time nursing student on the New Martinsville Campus who resides in Wetzel or Tyler county.

FLOYD W. LASURE SCHOLARSHIP - Scholarship for working adult at the New Martinsville Campus.

IRENE KUCAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to an incoming female student from Brooke or Hancock counties with a minimum high school GPA of 2.0.

JACKSON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to Ohio or Marshall county students with at least an overall 2.0 GPA.

JOHN C. WRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to a Tyler county resident with a 2.0 or higher overall GPA.

MAIN STREET BANK SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to students majoring in business or accounting, with a minimum overall GPA of 2.0.

MEAGEL SCHOLARSHIP - Full-time student with scholastic attainment (GPA of 2.70 or higher) and financial need. Students of all majors.

MILDRED V. NIEKAMP SCHOLARSHIP - Full-time or part-time student who is a resident of Marshall, Ohio or Wetzel counties to assist with tuition, books and/or fees who are pursuing a career in Business. Special preference to single, working mothers.

OHIO COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ALLIANCE SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to a student who has completed at least one year of study in a medical related field. Students must be a resident of Ohio, Marshall or Brooke counties and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher

ROBERT R. LAFOLLETTE SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to an incoming student majoring in Associate in Arts or Associate in Science.

RICK ESTEP CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCHOLARSHIP – Awarded to a full-time or part-time resident of Wetzel County who is a Criminal Justice major. Applicant must have a minimum of 3.0 overall GPA, be in need of financial assistance and a graduate of Paden City, Hundred, Valley or Magnolia high schools. 

SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY COMPANY SCHOLARS PROGRAM – Awarded to students majoring in Petroleum Technology with a 2.0 or higher overall GPA.

ST. ANN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP - Awarded to a second year New Martinsville campus student with a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

WALTER REUTHER SCHOLARSHIP - Up to full tuition. Requires: Full-time, first-year student with a 2.5 GPA who is a member, son or daughter or ward of a union member or a deceased union member. Applicant must reside in Belmont County (Ohio) or Marshall or Ohio County (West Virginia) and  demonstrate financial need.

W. B. UMBERGER SCHOLARSHIP - Attendance at the New Martinsville Campus. Must continue to be involved in community service throughout the award period. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference to non-traditional students.

WVNCC Foundation Academic Awards:

JOSEPH EDDY TECHNOLOGY FUND - Requires: Students majoring in the areas of science and technology. Preference is given to students with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.

IRENE MINDZAK SCHOLARSHIP – Weirton campus student in good academic standing.

FRIENDS SCHOLARSHIP – when available per campus, awards are given to students on all 3 campuses. Minimum of a 2.5 GPA.

Other Student Assistance:

NSDAR – WHEELING CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Must have completed at least 30 credit hours. Final selection is made by the chapter. The check is presented to the recipient in October at the NSDAR Wheeling Chapter meeting for tuition and/or educational expenses.

WEIRTON WOMAN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP - Requires: Full-time female student who resides in Weirton and shows academic promise and financial need. The final selection is made by the Weirton Women’s Club for tuition and/or educational expenses.

WOMAN’S CLUB OF WHEELING - For a female student on the Wheeling Campus between 20-60 years of age who is preparing herself to enter or re-enter the work force. She must be a resident of Ohio, Marshall or Belmont County. Final selection is made by The Woman’s Club of Wheeling’s Education Committee.

WVNCC ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP - Full or Part-time Tuition. For students who plan to enter a profession that will be of service to society. Must have declared a major.

In addition to the scholarships and academic awards given by the College, the institution often recommends students for a number of awards that are granted by external agencies, such as the American Culinary Federation Institute Scholarship Foundation Program. These opportunities vary yearly, and specifics on available awards may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

The recipients of all scholarships or academic awards are selected and/or recommended for further consideration by the Scholarship Committee on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Number of credits for which the applicant is enrolled.
  2. Applicants must possess a high school diploma, High school equivalency scores from a state agency approved test program or have certification from the high school that they are eligible for a diploma at the next commencement.
  3. Applicants should be aware that high school and/or college grade point average is extremely important and is weighed more heavily than other factors.
  4. Scholarship applicants for named scholarships must meet the specific curriculum requirements, residence requirements, etc., required by the individual or group awarding the funds.
  5. Letter of reference, a statement of future goals, participation in school and/or community activities and previous college work will also be reviewed in the awarding process.
  6. Any other appropriate data deemed relevant by the Scholarship Committee will also be used in considering applicants.
  7. If, in the judgment of the Subcommittee, two candidates are deemed to be equal, the application of the last criterion for scholarship selection shall be that the recipient be a resident of West Virginia.

Scholarships which require a student to provide proof of eligibility must do so according to the timeline provided in their scholarship notification or risk loss of the scholarship. In the event the awarded student does not provide any additional requirements for proof of eligibility, the College Financial Aid Office reserves the right to cancel the student’s scholarship and award available funds to another eligible student. Students awarded scholarships must also meet the requirements of the scholarship at the time of disbursement of funds. All WVNCC Foundation Scholarships are subject to change in amounts or availability based on funding levels from donors or organizations.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require schools offering Federal Student Aid to establish policies to monitor the academic progress of students who apply and/or receive financial aid. This policy differs from the Institutional Standards of Academic Progress. SAP describes the academic standards that students must maintain while completing their Associate or Certificate degree to maintain eligibility for financial aid. These standards consist of completing a quantitative (time-based) and qualitative (grade-based) measure, and a maximum time-frame measure (150%), which is reviewed at the end of each academic semester. Students will be notified by e-mail to their Northern e-mail address if not meeting SAP and if further requirements are necessary.

Federal Student Aid Programs Monitored by these Regulations

  • Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan.
  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan.
  • Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS).
  • Federal Pell Grant.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG).
  • Federal Work-Study (CWS).

Minimum SAP Standards

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) – minimum 2.0 required
    •  Earned transfer credit will also be calculated into the GPA unless a Deletion of Outdated Coursework (see separate policy) has been petitioned with the Records Office.
  2. Pace (completion) Rate – minimum 67%
    • Calculation = Credit hours successfully completed (Total PASSED) divided by Total Credit Hours ATTEMPTED.
    • All attempted* credit hours and transfer hours are calculated in the rate even if no financial aid was received for the hours.
      *includes withdrawals, failed coursework, incompletes, and repeat coursework

Example: A student has attempted a total of 30 hours. In order for the student to be financial aid eligible he or she must have completed 21 hours (30 hrs x 67% = 20.1)

  1. Maximum Time-Frame (150%) – Students must complete their studies within a maximum time frame that would be limited to no more than 150% of the published length of their program. All attempted and transfer coursework is included in the calculation. A student is ineligible when it becomes mathematically impossible to complete the program within 150% of the length of the program.
    • AA/AAS/AS Degree Programs: Total credit hours required are 60, the maximum time frame is 90 attempted hours (60 x 150%).
    • CAS Programs: Total credit hours required are 30, the maximum time frame is 45 attempted hours (30 x 150%).

Review of SAP Standards

  1. A review will be done at the end of each semester/payment period. The evaluation period will be based on attendance in all prior semester(s) and will include all classes attempted (and transfer work) whether federal aid was received or not.
  2. After the first time the student does not meet the minimum SAP standards 1 and 2 above, the student is placed into a WARNING status. Financial aid warning means that you CAN receive federal financial aid for the next semester of enrollment.
  3. If, after the Warning period, the student is still unable to meet the minimum SAP standards the student is then placed on an APPEAL required status. When an appeal is required this means that you are NOT eligible for federal financial aid for the next semester. The student may appeal this decision if they have an extenuating circumstance.
  4. A student not meeting the 150% Maximum Time-Frame is automatically required to submit an Academic Plan appeal worksheet. This plan may be applicable for up to 3 semesters.

Re-establishing Eligibility

If you are on an Appeal because of failure to successfully complete the Minimum SAP Standards as described above, you must successfully meet the minimum GPA and PACE percentage by taking additional classes at your own expense, or submit a SAP appeal for consideration due to extenuating circumstances. If the SAP appeal is approved, the student is placed on Probation or Probation with an Academic Plan. If denied, the student may still attend WVNCC but at their own expense unless also academically ineligible. Please review the appeal process below.

SAP Appeal Process

All students who have their financial aid eligibility suspended due to SAP may appeal to the Financial Aid Office to receive financial aid in subsequent semesters. The SAP appeal form is available online or in the Financial Aid Office.

An appeal must be based on an extenuating circumstance or situation which prevented the student from completing/passing their courses, or which required that they withdraw from classes. A work conflict, repetitive withdraws and/or failures are not extenuating circumstances. The appeal response must:

  • include information describing why minimum SAP standards have not been met and how the situation has changed so that SAP will be met at the next evaluation. Not being able to concentrate on college after being in high school is not an approved reason for not maintaining SAP.
  • 2nd appeals must be based on a reason different from the first.
  • Detail any extenuating circumstances, including supporting documentation form a 3rd party (e.g. police reports, detailed hospital bill or physician statement, death certificate, military deployment, etc).
  • Be complete and turned in to the Financial Aid Office by the deadline date for each of semester of enrollment (See SAP appeal form for current term date).

Students required to submit an Academic Plan worksheet should be worked on between the student and their Academic Advisor/Advising Center. This is a plan outlining required courses of enrollment over the next 1-3 semesters. A Northern Navigator worksheet through NOW are required as part of the appeal submission.

An appeal may be approved only if the school has determined that the student will be able to meet the minimum SAP standards after the subsequent semester. Approval of financial aid based on appeal is normally approved one time during a student’s academic career at WVNCC. If a student has not achieved the minimum SAP standards after the first probationary period, the student may be ineligible for aid until the minimum SAP standards are met unless some progression towards the degree completion is evident.

Additional SAP Policies

Remedial/Supplemental/Pre-requisite Courses: A student, otherwise eligible for federal financial aid, is permitted to attempt a maximum of 30 semester hours of these types of courses while receiving financial aid. It is our best practice to encourage completion of required remedial/supplemental courses within the student’s first academic year at WVNCC. At the point it becomes mathematically impossible for a student to complete all required remedial/supplemental courses within 30 credit hour attempts, the student is no longer eligible for financial aid for any remaining remedial/supplemental/pre-requisite courses.

Repeat Courses: A student may receive financial aid for repeating a previously passed (required) course once. For this purpose, passed means any grade higher than an “F”, regardless of any school or program policy requiring a higher grade or measure to have passed the course. Any courses repeated will be used in the student’s PACE and 150% calculations.

Incomplete Grades: Classes in which students are issued Incompletes are considered attempted hours; therefore, they are used in all SAP calculations as such.

SAP Appeal Notifications

All notifications will be sent to each student’s WVNCC email address. Be sure to follow all instructions as indicated in the appeal, approval or denial notice. Some appeals may be approved with modifications, such as an approval for a reduced number of credit hours for the term in which you have applied. You may need to contact your Academic Advisor or your Campus Advising Center to adjust your schedule.

Remember: Financial aid is only applicable for courses required for degree completion. Students cannot take “filler” classes to be full-time for federal financial aid purposes, or take courses for future degree programs not required for completion of their current degree at WVNCC.

Length of Eligibility for Financial Aid

All students must complete their proposed program/degree within a prescribed period of time. The technical amendments of the Higher Education Act of 1994 require that students complete their program of study within 150% of credit hours attempted.

Following are the periods in which a program/degree must be completed and graduation requirements met.

Certificate in Applied Science:

  • Full time (12 or more credits per semester) equals 4 semesters.
  • Three-quarter time (9-11 credits per semester) equals 6 semesters.
  • Half time (6-8 credits per semester) equals 6 semesters.
  • Less than half time (1-5 credits per semester) equals 8 semesters.

Associate Degree:

  • Full time (12 or more credits per semester) equals 8 semesters.
  • Three-quarter time (9-11 credits per semester) equals 12 semesters.
  • Half time (6-8 credits per semester) equals 12 semesters.
  • Less than half time (1-5 credits per semester) equals 14 semesters.

Students who enroll for varying credit hours from semester to semester (i.e., full time one semester and halftime the other semester) will have hours earned and length of eligibility prorated.

Students who have not met the length of eligibility requirements, are in the process of applying for graduation and have used the petition process must notify the Financial Aid Office to have their eligibility reviewed.

Veterans Benefits

West Virginia Northern Community College welcomes all who have served in the Armed Forces. Whether you are a discharged veteran, still serving on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserves, or a family member, WVNCC is committed to supporting and encouraging your success. WVNCC is part of the WV 5 STAR Challenge including offering priority registration to veterans. 

To apply for GI Bill® Benefits visit www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/ and select “Apply for Benefits”. You may wish to utilize the GI Bill Benefits Comparison Tool at: www.vets.gov/gi-bill-comparison-tool.

Service Members who have completed at least one full year of military service may be eligible to receive two hours of physical education activity credit by submitting their DD214 (copy of member-4 form) to the certifying official.

WVNCC participates in the Section 702 benefits related to charging instate tuition, including those living in WV on active duty (and their dependents) and those funded through the Fry Scholarship.  Contact the Records Office with any questions related to residency. 

Students receiving benefits must achieve institutional standards of progress toward their degree in order to continue their educational benefits.

Effective August 1, 2019, per the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, any student using Ch. 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill or Ch. 31 Veteran Readiness and Emploment benefits will not incur any penalties after certification and while awaiting payment from the VA, including:

  • Barring enrollment
  • Receiving late penalty fees
  • Being required to secure alternatives or additional funding
  • Being denied access to any school resources (e.g. classes, library, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have paid.

However, please note that West Virginia Northern will require each student receiving VA funds to:

  • Produce all required paperwork in order to be certified (e.g. DD214, Veterans Certification Sheet, etc.)
  • Provide all information required of any student for admission to West Virginia Northern (e.g. Applications, SS number, transcripts, placement scores, FAFSA, etc.).

Note: The Veterans Benefits and Transition act of 2018 does not apply to students who have not provided information for certification, admission, and financial aid.

For additional information regarding your veteran educational benefits, please contact the veteran certifying official or a Campus Counselor.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gbill.