Feb 19, 2025  
2021-2022 College Catalog 
2021-2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advising/Registration

Academic Advising Center

Students are assigned to the Academic Advising Center on their campus upon admission. Students are to make initial appointments to understand their test scores, create an educational plan, select courses, confirm financial aid and tuition documentation, and interpret College policies. Advising Centers are open throughout the year.

Based on program of study, each degree-seeking student is assigned a faculty/academic advisor during their first semester. Academic Advisors help students assess their academic, career, and life goals. Academic advisor assignments are coordinated through the Admissions and Registrar’s offices. A new Registration PIN is issued to each student each semester. The PIN is provided by the advisor prior to registration.

First Year Seminar

WVNCC requires students admitted to Northern as first-time freshmen to enroll in a 1-credit hour First Year Seminar (FYS): Success Strategies course (ORNT 090). All full-time and part-time degree-seeking students should complete the FYS graduation requirement during the first semester, including those who:

  • Have never attended WVNCC or another accredited college (courses taken during high school do not apply).
  • Are transferring from unaccredited institutions.

This requirement does not apply to:

  • Students admitted to Northern prior to fall 2013.
  • Early Entrance (high school) students while in high school. (Unless degree seeking)
  • Students transferring from regionally accredited institutions.
  • Non-degree seeking students.

New Student Welcome Event

All new WV Northern students are recommended to participate in New Student Welcome Day. During this event, students will receive information related to:

  • College resources.
  • Registration processes.
  • Student Portal.
  • Student Email.
  • Northern on the Web (N.O.W.).
  • Program and graduation requirements.
  • Financial aid and Veterans Benefits.
  • Payment of Tuition & Fees.
  • Campus Safety and Security.
  • Parking and many other important topics.

This event takes place prior to the start of classes and is scheduled at each campus. Students should have registered for their semester classes prior to this event.

The Academic Schedule

The academic schedule for each semester and summer term is designed to assure academic program implementation plans and to meet identified interests and needs of students in multiple locations.

The schedule for spring classes is published the previous October; the fall class schedule is published in April. Both schedules are available at each campus. The summer schedule is typically published during the previous fall. The spring, summer and fall schedules are available online at www.wvncc.edu.

The College is developing increasingly flexible and alternate methods of instruction as well as utilizing electronic methods to supplement traditional information, communication, and materials.

Courses are typically scheduled over two semesters of 15 weeks; however, some courses may be offered in five weeks, eight weeks, 10 weeks, or other time periods. Summer school classes are offered in a 12-week term. Classes offered during the 12-week Summer term have varying lengths and start at a variety of times.

Distance Education
Online delivery is used for many courses at WVNCC. Class activities and requirements vary and meet the same outcomes and standards as traditionally offered courses. Interested students should seek information in advance of registration through the academic schedule and by contacting the instructor. Course information for distance education courses is available through the College’s Web page at www.wvncc.edu/programs/online-courses–distance-education/153. Courses designated as “hybrid” require some class meetings on campus. WVNCC online and hybrid courses are delivered through Blackboard.

IP Video and classes noted on academic schedules are those that utilize the College’s closed video telecommunications system, therefore increasing the offering of courses for participation of students from two or three campuses with the instructor located at any campus. Students can see and talk with each other and the instructor. during the classes. Instructors and students utilize the College’s integrated telephone system, mail system, and e-mail to supplement communications.

Other alternate methods for course participation are sometimes, but not always, possible to assist students. Such methods may include audio and/or videotaping, limited independent study, and use of electronic methodologies. In special circumstances, especially when students have previously completed some aspects of the course in other means, individual Course Learning Contracts may be arranged. Alternate methods must be arranged directly with the instructor of the course. If an instructor has not been assigned yet to the course, students should consult the campus Service Center.

Alternate Methods for Achieving College Credit

Credit by Examination

Students who have developed a proficiency in specific subjects and have met the prerequisites may elect to earn credit for a course by taking a “Challenge Exam.” Not all classes may be challenged. To take the exam, students must first register for the class and pay the required tuition. After passing the examination, students will be exempt from specific course requirements and permitted to register in advanced courses in that subject field. A “K#” grade will be given but will not be computed in the grade point average. However, the credit hours will be counted toward graduation requirements and for designation on Merit, Dean’s and President’s lists.

Interested students should contact the appropriate Campus Counselor or faculty member. Payment for test out classes cannot be made with financial aid or Veterans’ funds.

Advanced Placement Credits

In accordance with the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education and the Higher Education Policy Commission, West Virginia Northern Community College recognizes the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board as an instrument that allows high school students to master college-level subject matter and to document their intellectual achievements through successful completion of advanced placement examinations. West Virginia Northern Community College will accept Advanced Placement Credit if the high school student earns a minimum score of three on the specified test.

After applying for admission to West Virginia Northern, students should have the College Board Advanced Placement Examination Grade Report mailed directly to the Records Office at West Virginia Northern.

Examination results will be validated by the Records Office. The Records Office will identify the amount of advanced placement credit that will be granted toward the degree requirements. Advanced placement credit will be documented on the transcript.

Advanced placement credit will receive a “K” grade on the West Virginia Northern transcript.

College Level Examination Programs and Proficiency Examination Program

West Virginia Northern Community College will award credit for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Proficiency Examination Program (PEP) within the following guidelines. All credit awarded will be in conformity with the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education and Higher Education Policy Commission and all such credit will be transferable to all other institutions in the West Virginia state system of higher education.

General Exams – Students who attain the score required by the model policy of the Council on College Level Examinations of the College Board may receive credit for General Examinations. Such credit in general education may not meet specific program requirements, in which case the credit may be used as elective credit.

Subject Examinations – Students may be awarded credit for the successful completion of any or all CLEP and PEP Subject Examinations presently offered or developed in the future, provided they achieve a score equal to or above the recommended scores of the Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education for CLEP examinations or the University of New York and American College Testing Program current at the time the examination is taken.

Credit will be awarded for the number of semesters for which the examinations were designed. Grades will not be assigned, and the credit will not be included in the computation of student’s grade point average. The credit earned on CLEP and PEP Subject Examinations will be equated with existing course offerings at West Virginia Northern. If no equivalent course is offered at West Virginia Northern, the credit earned by CLEP and PEP examinations may be considered elective credit. Students will not receive CLEP and PEP credit for equivalent courses in which they have already earned credit.

Academic Record and Enrollment – The permanent academic record of students will indicate which credit was earned by CLEP or PEP examinations. Students must be enrolled at West Virginia Northern in order to receive credit from West Virginia Northern. Students who have taken CLEP or PEP examinations prior to enrollment must submit an official CLEP or PEP transcript. Questions should be directed to the Records Officer.

Students should take the appropriate CLEP exam(s) through the College Entrance Examination Board, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08504.

The PEP exam(s) may be taken through the ACT Proficiency Examination Program, Iowa City, Iowa 52240.

Grade reports must be mailed directly to the Records Office at West Virginia Northern Community College. The examination results will be validated by the Records Officer and students notified of the credit earned.

Credit for Prior Learning Through Portfolio Assessment

The College will award academic credit for learning acquired through work or life experiences that are equivalent to coursework that meets degree requirements for the program in which the student is enrolled. Students may only petition for credit for courses listed in the current College catalog. Credit will be awarded for learning that is comparable to the stated course outcomes and scope of the course. Credit is awarded on a “K” basis and will be annotated on the transcript as experiential credit. A maximum of 30 credit hours may be awarded through the portfolio process in all programs except the Board of Governors program. Contact the Campus Service Center for PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) form or for further information.

EDGE: ‘Earn A Degree Graduate Early’

EDGE is a West Virginia community college initiative that recognizes specific West Virginia high school classes as “free” community college credit. These high school classes are usually in the career-technical track and can be applied to a certificate or an associate degree. To be eligible to receive the EDGE credit, a high school student must pass an EDGE eligible high school course with a final overall grade of an A, B, or C. Additionally, students have to complete at least one college course through West Virginia Northern and pass this course with an A, B, or C. These may include College 101, Early Entrance classes, online classes, or any classes as a general or transient student. The student must then complete an EDGE Transcript Request form that can be found at www.wvncc.edu/docs/2j_EDGETranscriptRequest2018.pdf or by contacting Northern’s Student Service Center and requesting to speak with the Registrar’s Office.

Registration Policy and Procedures

Registration for classes including changes and withdrawal of enrollment in specific courses must be initiated by the student through completion of the registration process. Documentation of prerequisites for entry into specific courses is required prior to registration also.

The College provides extensive dates and times for registration. All students must obtain a Registration Ticket from a Campus Service Center prior to meeting with the advising center or their faculty advisor. New students can register after meeting with the Advising Center Counselors. Returning students may register by logging onto Northern on the Web (NOW) after meeting with their academic advisor and obtaining their alternate PIN. Information on a students’ academic advisor is listed on their student portal.

Registration is the admission “ticket” into classes. Registration must be completed prior to entry into the class. In some unusual instances, an instructor may permit a student to participate in one class session during the first week of classes prior to completion of registration. After the first week, participation by a non-registered student requires written authorization from the Vice President of Student Services for a specified temporary period.

Before attending any class, a student must officially register and satisfy all financial obligations to the College. The College reserves the right to deny admission to class to any student who has not registered or remitted full payment of tuition and fees. The College provides the opportunity for students to complete “early” registration prior to the beginning of classes. Students need to make financial arrangements by the established payment deadlines. Refer to Tuition and Financial Aid section of this catalog and the academic schedule.

Registration for audit of courses, that is, taking credit courses without evaluation and credit, must be specifically requested at the time of registration. Students must also inform the instructor of their registration for audit purposes only. Students are not permitted to change their registration from “audit” to “credit” or “credit” to “audit” after the first two weeks of the semester or a comparable period in short-term classes. This change is completed by submitting Audit Course Request form to the Campus Service Center. Audited courses do not count toward graduation and cannot be paid with Title IV financial aid funds.

Adding classes during the first week of a class is possible and does not require the instructor’s approval providing that the class is not at capacity. Students register through their NOW accounts.

Late Registration occurs during the second week of classes. A late registrant must complete a Late Registration card, obtain the faculty member’s signature granting permission for the student to register late, and submit the signed form to the Campus Service Center.

Changes in registration are completed by students online in NOW. After the first week students may add classes by submitting a late registration form. Dropping a class is completed online through NOW by the student. Students are responsible to immediately verify that written documentation accurately reflects the change intended. Students should consult the academic calendar concerning deadline to “drop” courses and read the regulations regarding grades and refunds as well as financial aid, if applicable. Students are strongly encouraged to talk with instructors and/or their academic advisor prior to making such changes. Often, alternatives or supplementary assistance may be available which makes course completion possible. In addition, students need to identify the impact of dropping specific courses. If the impact of a “drop” is complete withdrawal from all courses, then the student should follow instructions for “withdrawal from all courses”. The College publishes a last day to drop and withdraw each semester.

The maximum number of credits for which students may register is 18 credit hours per semester and 12 credit hours in summer term. Exceptions may be granted by the Campus Counselor or Registrar Office designee upon the recommendation of the student’s academic advisor and evidence of the requesting student’s ability to manage an exceptionally heavy course load. This evidence is normally the completion of previous college courses as a full-time student and a grade point average higher than 3.25.

Delays, limits, and “holds” which impact registration result under certain conditions, such as:

  • The maximum number of students have already registered for the course;
  • The admission application has not been submitted;
  • Required admissions materials have not been submitted by the end of the first term of enrollment;
  • Documentation of preparation for entry in specific courses is required but not completed;
  • Default in payment of educational loans, repayment owed on Title IV aid, or other payments owed to the College;
  • Prerequisite education coursework not successfully completed;
  • The student not meeting certain conditions resulting from lack of standards of progress; and/or
  • Disciplinary action. See Student Rights and Responsibilities .

“Wait lists” result when a class is filled to capacity. If space becomes available prior to the first class session, the student will be notified through their WVNCC email account and given the chance to register themselves through their NOW account. Waitlists for classes will not be available starting the Tuesday prior to the start of the class. Students registering after this time must choose from open sections.

Withdrawal from all courses, when necessary, is completed through Northern on the Web. Telephone withdrawals can be taken by the Campus Counselor, Associate Registrar or Registrar only. Students are encouraged to talk with their instructors and academic advisor prior to withdrawing to determine if there are other alternatives available. Students are responsible for verifying their withdrawal. The last day to totally withdraw from the College is published in the academic calendar. Students who completed short-term courses or tested out of a course in the same semester are not eligible for a total withdrawal.

Administrative withdrawal of a student from individual courses may be implemented by the instructor when, in the opinion of the instructor, a student fails to attend class regularly and/or fails to complete educational assignments. Disciplinary action can also result in administrative withdrawal by an instructor. See Student Rights and Responsibilities .

Administrative drop: For students with outstanding financial obligations, the College may “administratively drop” the student from classes for nonpayment. The College also reserves the right to administratively drop a student from a course for failure to meet prerequisites, failure to adhere to institutional, financial aid satisfactory academic progress or for disciplinary reasons (including Student Code of Conduct violations).

Last day to drop/withdraw from a class or the college is listed in the Academic Calendar.

Enrollment Status and Course Load

Students are enrolled once they have completed the registration process that includes satisfying all financial obligations to the College. (This is not for financial aid purposes, see financial aid  section).

Full-time students are those who are currently registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours during a full semester or for a minimum of 6 credit hours for summer term. Courses below 100 level (for example ORNT 090 ) with course credit is counted for this determination but not for graduation, degree requirements or certain honors. The number of credit hours of specified courses required per semester to complete a certificate program in two semesters or an associate degree in four semesters is typically 15 credit hours, excluding courses below 100 level (for example ENG 097 ) and orientation courses.

Part-time students are those who are currently registered for less than 12 credit hours during a full semester or for less than 6 credit hours during the summer term. Part-time students will need to plan carefully their sequence of courses to assure completion of a degree or certificate.

First-time students are those who have not taken any college courses since they graduated from high school or a student who only took credits while in high school.

Student status is classified as follows:

Freshmen students are those who have completed up to 30 credit hours.

Sophomore students are those who have completed 30 or more credit hours in their program.